Website Design, Wireframes, UX, UI, Illustrations, Art Direction, Marketing.
Whilst working at Multiverse Brands, I lead a website redesign & custom build for Umlaut. Umlaut brings solutions that allow financial firms to automate many administrative tasks as well as digitising things that previously required paper form work and filing. As their software aimed to simplify the day-to-day work lives of people within the finance industry, we developed a completely new website structure, creative campaign, as well as customised illustrations.Using their existing corporate gradient and colour schemes we developed a highly engaging campaign with a simple message; we can give you more work that you want, and less of what you don't want. This is simple enough that it could instantly address problems financial firms were facing and solve it simply. The custom illustrations made it easy to see features at a glance. The secondary sticky menu added on product pages made each of them it’s own seperate, high converting sales page. We then continued with automated outreach, email sequences and adds.
Umlaut had amazing success with their new website. Not only was it well received by clients and suppliers alike, there was also a huge reduction in price per lead on ad spend, and an enormous increase in their sales calls booked, and quality leads each month.