Brand Re-Fresh, Website, Tagline & Key Message Development
Medulla is a provider of a cloud-based quality control SaaS platform. The biggest pain points in their marketing was that their website did not simply articulate the problems they solved for these industries nor did it communicate their value. Although their existing clientele was predominantly electronics manufacturers, they had found a space within brewers and winemakers and so wanted their new brand to appeal to these groups also. Through a workshop we discovered that one of the selling points was that multiple manufacturing sites can be monitored remotely, which built the foundation for their key message; “Giving you the full picture”
To compliment this concept, we developed specific “personas” for each of the industries they wished to attract. The image was formed by selecting a photograph of someone who would typically be using the software, and then creating custom illustrations of the EXACT machinery and equipment that they would be using. Although they had an existing logo in place we freshened it up with a clean gradient and modern font. We then developed the accompanying tagline “helping Manufacturers Thrive” to complete the message, and custom iconography to demonstrate their benefits.